
“Do nothing and be dead in a few days.”

Those were the words spoken by our surgeon to my husband, Steve, who just found out he had Stage IV colon cancer. Steve wasn’t even 50.

 So began our “new normal."

Were it not for the intervention of our son and his tapping his personal network, we would not have received the excellent care we did. And Steve would not have lived two-and-a-half years. Thank you, son.  

Grateful for tree frogs

This fight, this life journey, changed us. Through it we came to be grateful for the little things in life: a beautiful sunset, a happy chorus of tree frogs. 

We learned to value relationships, because we both now knew how fragile life is. 

And we learned to depend more upon God, trusting him when things didn’t make sense, knowing how much he loved us, walking in faith when we couldn’t see the way before us. 

Through those two-and-a-half years we also knew that one day Steve’s earthly journey would end. So on December 2, 2005, Steve went to be with his Lord, just weeks shy of his 51st birthday. 

A new life calling

Now things were drastically changed. All that I once thought I knew about us–retiring, growing old together–were not to be. And I was faced with stark new realities, chief among them “What do I do now?” “What will life look like now?”   

Gradually, through this tragedy, my new life, my new life purpose, became clear. And “Your Life: Abundant” is the result. 


Welcome to this virtual spa for the soul; this resource hub for the mind; this gym for personal growth. I’m so glad you stopped by.

Here you’ll be empowered to cultivate an attitude of gratitude so you can navigate through adverse situations with greater insight, confidence, and perseverance, helping you lead a more joyful and resilient life.  

To make sure you get all the latest–and to claim your free bonus gift–join up by filling out the form below. It's free.  






A bit more about me 


Having personally experienced God’s grace and love through my husband's terminal illness, I help guide women by sharing my story and teaching timeless truths in my "gratitude spas" (webinars, workshops, online courses and coaching sessions.) 

Professional speaker

I've been privileged to have spoken before a wide range of audiences, including: Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Michigan Chapter; the Society of Marketing Professionals; Eastern Michigan University and the Association of Lutheran Development Executives. 

Published author

My first book,  Embrace Each Day With Joy: A True Love Story of Laughing, Loving and Living through Terminal Cancer, is based on the emails sent friends and family during Steve's battle with cancer. 

I'm contemplating writing a second book, perhaps on gratitude, or maybe writing collection of short stories or a novel? We'll see. ;)  

Personal side

I'm the mother of one and the grandmother of two. My son, daughter-in-law, and their two children live in New Zealand.

Far away in geography but always close in heart.  

Fun Fact

In 2020 I realized a decades-long dream and moved from the frigid plains of Minnesota to the subtropical Lowcountry of South Carolina.

Now I'm finally in a place where the only ‘white stuff’ I see is beach sand. :)