5 reasons why depending upon God in life is a smart thing to do

fearless living god life purpose Dec 06, 2021

2 minute read

"Unless you assume a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless."

Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, atheist

 As you take this time to reassess your life and move toward fulfilling your life's purpose, your life's dream that may have been on your heart for decades, a lot could happen along the way. Your doing deep introspection and then plunging ahead with something new, extraordinary is a scary, challenging, but oh-so-rewarding journey.  As you strive toward your next, best life, by its very nature this process may knock you off kilter a bit, take you down rabbit holes, show-up with a companion called failure. So why not minimize these stresses? By sincerely putting yourself in God's hands? He will help. When you do, here are 5 things you can expect: 

  1. You have a stability that nothing can shake – political, cultural, or societal upheaval. Political parties come and go. Cultural fads wax and wane. What we once held as truth -- like a home's value remaining stable -- is no longer true. But by placing your trust God you are placing your trust in power greater than yourself, or society.
  2. Streamlines your life – you know what is/what is not important
  3. Focuses your life – you can concentrate your limited time and energy on what is truly important
  4. Motivates your life – giving your life over to something bigger than yourself
  5. Prepares you for eternity – because this life IS NOT all there is.  

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Copyright 2021. Sandra A. Eggers. Sharing is encouraged; however, please give credit where credit is due. Thank you.