Some brief & random reflections on the current state of affairs
Mar 04, 2022
Image courtesy of Sasha Freemind on Unsplash
There is so much hate, anger, division in some quarters. Yet the opposite is also true, as in other quarters there is unity. The Freedom Convoy of Truckers comes to mind.
Have we been manipulated? Torn apart and divided? We’ve certainly been physically isolated, in contravention of generations old practice of quarantining the sick and allowing the healthy to live free.
But division also quarantines us, the othering of those with views contrary to ours. What of diversity? Diversity is not some quota demarcated by skin color, gender, race, ethnic, state of ability, because that “diversity” only pigeonholes, isolates, and others people, individuals categorized by group, seen not as individuals but as the herd and as such often have a herd mentality. The first “othering” – Cain and Abel. Cain spilled blood, did not see a brother, only as the cause of his troubles with God.
“Am I my brother’s keeper?”